Thursday, March 22, 2012

Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles...?

**Caution! This article contains SPOILERS for the 2003 TMNT Cartoon!**

So the other day, Michael Bay broke the Internet in half with this little jewel about the new live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that he will be directing:
“When you see this movie, kids will believe one day that these turtles do exist, when we’re done with the movie. These turtles are from an alien race, and they’re going to be tough, edgy, funny, and completely loveable.”
Nerd rage abounded. Aliens?!? Well, there goes my childhood! Personally, I normally try to hold my judgement until I see the final product, but this seemed a bit too much even for me. All I kept thinking was, "Oh Bay is going to do for Turtle fans what he did for Transformer fans." The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I mean, screwing up everything people loved about the Transformers is one thing...but this is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles we're talking about here!

Well, thanks to the Major Spoilers Podcast, I have a new theory on Bay's statement, which actually gives me a bit of hope for the new movie. In the podcast, they briefly mentioned the idea that maybe these Ninja Turtles were created by aliens. "These turtles are from an alien race." "From" is a pretty important preposition here. It could possibly mean the Turtles might not be an alien race in and of themselves, but the result of an alien race's technology. That might actually be a very good thing!

Way back in 2003, Fox started airing an updated Ninja Turtles cartoon that actually was a lot closer to the original comic books of the 80's than the original cartoon. I've never read most of those comics, but what little I have, it looks as though there were complete story lines taken straight from the comics and reworked into the new series. A major part of this series was a mysterious company called Techno Cosmic Research Institute, or T.C.R.I. It was from this company that a certain canister of Ooze was lost into the sewers, transforming four turtles and a rat into the TMNT and Splinter. As it turns out, T.C.R.I. was created and ran by little pink brain-like aliens who were stranded on Earth centuries ago and run around in robotic suits designed to help them blend into humanity.

So, in some incarnations of the Ninja Turtles, the titular characters actually were "from an alien race," in that they were created (accidentally or not) by an alien race. The '03 animated series is probably tied with the original movie series as my favorite versions of the Ninja Turtles, so if the new movie decides to follow a similar story line, I would very much approve.

Of course, we are speculating about Michael Bay I better be prepared to be disappointed...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Looney Tunes Show Clip

This made me smile:

This new Looney Tunes show might actually be a good Looney Tunes update.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

So Long, Russell

A tip of the hat to one of the best Survivor contestants of all time. You will be missed. Please come back soon, Russell!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't You Want Me, Baby

I just stumbled across this music video. I am not really into the music those crazy kids are listening to these days, so I've never heard of Atomic Tom, but I really got a kick out of all the amazing 80s movie references in this video for a classic 80s song. So check it out!

How many different references can you name? Just to make it fun, leave a comment naming as many as you can.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who is Bane?

I found this fun little video that does a really good job giving a brief history of one of Batman's greatest opponents, and one of the villains in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises: Bane. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gotham High??

So, apparently there was a concept for an animated series that never got off the ground called Gotham High. Basically, the idea was to put Bruce Wayne in High School with a bunch of his villains, where, one would imagine, hilarity would ensue. Surprisingly enough, the project never came to fruition, but thanks to the powers of the All-Knowing Internets, some concept art has been released. And, I must say, even though the idea of putting Batman and his rogues gallery in high school just sounds ridiculously dumb, the concept art looks amazing!

I actually may have been able to enjoy this show. What do you think? Should they have gone forward with this, or was it a good thing that it was stopped when it was?