Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Favorite Animated Disney Movies of All Time! #10 - Treasure Planet

I didn't catch Treasure Planet in the theaters. In fact, I can remember thinking it looked rather dumb at the time. But shortly after its initial run, my future Mother-in-law got the DVD for me for Christmas one year, and after putting it off for a while, I finally sat down and watched it.

Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed it! Not only did it never occur to me before (for some reason) that it was an updated version of Treasure Island, but it was a more-entertaining version of that story than I had ever seen before (which at the time meant I liked it better than Muppet Treasure Island, which I do enjoy, just not as much. I have since then read the book and seen the 1950 Disney Classic version, both amazing).

But the thing that really made me a fan of Treasure Planet was its portrayal of Long John Silver. Not only was he mean and scary at times, but he also had a much softer side that really made you understand why he and "Jimbo" became good friends. His character design was amazing as well. It was a stroke of genius to make him a cyborg instead of a one-legged man. It gave him that scary Terminator feel when it needed to be there.

There were a few parts that I wasn't the biggest fan of, though. Now I am a fan of Martin Short, but for some reason the way he played B.E.N. was just a bit on the annoying side. You can definitely tell he was supposed to be the comic relief, but I think Mr. Short was trying just a bit too hard to be crazy. Also, they seemed to kind of force a romance between Dr. Doppler (who I really enjoyed as an amalgam of Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey) and Captain Amelia.

But, all those nit-picks aside, Treasure Planet may not have been the most successful movie for Disney, but It certainly is worthy to be in the canon, and X marks the spot at #10 on my list.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

After Today Video

Since A Goofy Movie will not be included in my Top 10 Favorite Animated Disney Movies of All Time! list, I thought I would pay a little tribute to it by posting this video, which is quite possibly my favorite thing in all of the Internets. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Animated Disney Movies of All Time!

Well, I've been wanting to start doing lists of some of my favorite things (anyone else feel a song coming on?) on here, and so I thought i would start with this: My Top 10 Favorite Animated Disney Movies of All Time! But I thought I needed to set out some of the parameters first. First of all, this will only include movies that are counted as part of the Official Disney Canon, so unfortunately, there will be no mention of movies like A Goofy Movie or the Ducktales Movie on this list (which makes me sad...I love A Goofy Movie!). Also, I have yet to see every movie in the Official Disney Cannon, so I thought I'd name those here:

Fantasia (but i hear there is going to be a new DVD release of it either this year or next!)
Make Mine Music
Fun and Fancy Free
Melody Time
The Rescuers Down Under
Home on the Range (& from what i hear, it's a good thing i haven't seen it)
& Meet the Robinsons

So, for obvious reasons, they will not be included on my list. That's pretty much it for now...look for the post for my #10 Favorite Animated Disney Movie of All Time! coming soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Easter!

This past weekend the little lady and i ventured to my parent's house to celebrate Easter with them. We had a delicious dinner, we colored eggs, and had an Easter Egg hunt. Oh yeah, and the youngest one there was 21. Hey, it's fun to act like a kid again. Here's some of the eggs i colored...i learned it is rather hard to draw on an egg:

Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sarah Connor: Wanted by the IRS?

So my mind was wondering the other day (as it often does) and since i've been watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2 recently, and since Tax Season is upon us, it hit me: Does Sarah Connor and her family pay taxes? I know they would probably not file under the name Connor since they have been presumed dead ever since they blew up the bank whilst jumping forward through time, so they would have to go with their undercover name, Baum. But then again, now that i think about it, they really don't have any legitimate money coming in...they just keep selling off the diamonds in black market deals. (where did those diamonds come from?...maybe i need to re-watch season 1, too) So maybe they don't even have to pay taxes if all that dealing is under the table... Hmmmm...i bet they owe a lot of money to the IRS...if i was them, i'd stay below the radar...well, for that reason and the obvious reason of multiple unstoppable killing machines from the future hunting them down. But that's just my advice.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It Took Me This Long to Watch Fanboys?!?

Well, i finally watched Fanboys. I know, i'm a little late to the game, but hey, i've had to cut back on my DVD purchases. It was...pretty much amazing. It totally reminded me of my high school days. My little group of friends and i were almost exactly like the guys in the movie. At one point, our group even called itself the Empire and everyone had a different ranking as to their place within the Empire. I'm pretty sure we never actually did anything with it other than just talk about how awesome it was, but we apparently did enough to warrant part of our group splintering off to form a Rebellion. It was a dark time for the Empire and the whole thing ended with hurt feelings and people not talking to each other for a while...

But anyway, back to the movie, i loved all the little in-jokes and trivia questions scattered throughout. I found myself trying to come up with the answer before it was revealed on screen, and more often than not, i had no problem beating them to it. My favorite parts, though, were anytime Trekkies were on the screen. I am very proud to be able to say that I have never seen a single Trek movie and have only caught parts of about one episode of The Next Generation. So, it is always great times to see Trekkies get the wind taken out of their sails.

So, all in all, if you are the one geek left out there who hasn't seen Fanboys, i strongly recommend it...well...maybe unless you're a Trekkie.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Batgirl/Red Robin Crossover!

I am super-excited about this:

Batgirl is my current favorite comic book with Red Robin taking a close I guess it kinda goes without saying that putting these two together should really make for a great story, right? **fingers crossed**

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hey, Howdy, Hey!

Well, here it new blog... Basically, I decided to start this up because as of right now, the only outlet for my geekdom is Twitter...and 140 characters don't let you geek out very much. So this is so I can expand upon my thoughts on things like current comics I'm reading, movies I love, cartoons, toy collecting, and pretty much anything else I'm interested in at the time. Enjoy!